August 2022

Here is the link today’s RISE discussion deck and Questions in the Chat as well as the recording.  We had over 120 callers on line and many others that can watch the recording.

Onedrive:   SAPS4_RISE


Roles and responsibilities detailed document:

There is the deck, the recording, and also the spreadsheet of questions that were asked.  We will continue to put together all the questions that our community has and try to consolidate answers to the extent they can be answered without a 2 day workshop in order to drill down into your Utility specific answers.   We will update this after SAP 4 Utilities.  I will continue to provide updates on CAP Ex Vs. OP x as these decisions are made by individual utilities and their PUC rulings.

Thank you again for participating in today’s discussions.  Sorry for my audio at the beginning, but SAP is clear.

In addition

Utility Core is addition service & software to fill specific utility use cases on top of your RISE contract.

Please register for this linkedin in webinar SAP Utility Team and SAP Development Team presenting.

 Markus Bechmann and Uwe Zachmann will be introducing the SAP Utilities Core solution with this webinar on 9/15 right before SAP for Utilities which is 9/18.

Here’s a link to register for event:




  Please join us for a great discussion before the SAP 4 Utilities conference in September to discuss SAP’s RISE offering.   There have been lots of questions coming to our community about what is RISE, how does it compare to “Bring your own license” to IaaS, and what are all the additional business value items being added to the RISE offering.   We head from AES about their move for ISU to RISE and since there are so many detailed questions, we wanted to provide SAP Utilities group an opportunity to hear from you. See below our agenda.  Please come and join this interactive discussion with the SAP Utility RISE Team.

Time Topic Presenters
5 mins Welcome, Introductions Marc Rosson, SAP Team
15 mins SAP RISE


    • RISE with SAP overview and what’s included
    • FUE (Full User Equivalents) vs standard licensing
    • SLA (Service Level Agreements)
    • Licensing and Maintenance
Greg Kobak; SAP S/4HANA COE (RISE)
15 mins RISE Details


    • Reference Architecture
    • Roles and Responsibilities
    • RISE Value Proposition
    • Adoption Models and migration options
Martin Mysyk; SAP Enterprise Architect

Anil Doranala: SAP Cloud Architect

10 mins CAPEX vs. OPEX Marc Rosson; Enterprise Architect SNOPUD
15 mins Q&A SAP Team