Leveraging our shared information

Working in the utility industry we all know we can share information with other utilities. Our whole industry has a concept of mutual aid for each other in times of need. Covid-19 is the storm of the century for us to come together and provide mutual aid to each other. In this case, while we do not have physical damage to our assets, we have damage none the less to our business, our employees, and our communities. Please let me know what topics you’d like to discuss and share. We will be running virtual meetings to utilities to share with each other the solutions they are implementing to restore normal operations during and after this Covid-19 storm.

All utilities have commonalities we form our collaborations around. Electric, Gas, Water — IOU, Public (Coop, Muni, PUD) — Geographic – AMI/Non-AMI — shared software vendors — shared business models. No matter what the dimension of our commonality, we can always come together and help each other.

Let me know your ideas with a simple reply and we can start the recovery together.